We met our friend Alex from Claire de Lune III as soon as we
anchored in Baker's Bay.  Alex dinghied over to Drifter and our
boat to ask us over to supper.  Alex, a fellow Canadian, enjoys
the company of other passing Canadians and makes it a regular
habit to invite them over for a home- cooked supper.  He is retired
and is a permanent live aboard  on his 48' trawler with his cat,
Miss Minny.

The following day, Alex accompanied us on our exploration of the
once Walt Disney Resort.  The Walt Disney Corporation had built
this resort and used it as a stopping ground for their cruising ships.
However, the Sound entrance can be very tricky to enter, and many
of their ships went aground.  This project was scrapped and the
resort abandoned, with many of its jet boats, sailboats, and fully
functional electro-generators left behind.  Needless to say, what was
left of the resort had been vandalized by passing boaters and
stripped of its generators,  fine wood planks, tiles and bathroom
accessories by locals needing building supplies. 

What remained were hundreds of coconuts trees, and Alex
demonstrated how he had perfected the art of cracking them open.